These are supposedly actual quotes taken from around the world.
“The effects are fleeting and lingering…” – Overheard in a hallway
“In Managua, people are cheering in the streets, which are deserted.” – CBS reporter during the solar eclipse
“A trucker called to thank all of the courteous Seattle drivers he had run across.” – Announcer on KZOK radio
“He threw 110 pitches in six innings, and that’s a mouthful!” – CBS baseball announcer
“An agreement is not an agreement until the parties to the agreement have reached an agreement.” – Irish Politician on RTE radio
“This is the biggest pawn that Israel holds in the whole hostage equation.” – BBC world service.
“We have two incredibly credible witnesses here.” – Sen. Biden at Thomas hearings from Bob Ericson (Marlboro, MA, USA)
“He’s going to step down ’til he’s back on his feet.” – Vermont Public Radio commentator on Jimmy Swaggart’s latest sex scandal