The head of the monastery wanted to check how strong his priests are in resisting temptetion.
He called 3 of them to his room, and ordered them to put a small bell on their penis.
After that, he went to the first guy, and showed him a picture of a gorgeous naked girl.
“Gling Gling”, went the bell, and the head of the monastary was furious: “you call yourself a monk? you are as weak as a baby!”.
He went then to the second guy, and showed him a cover of a dirty porn movie.
“Gling Gling”, went the bell.
“you are a disgrace! get out of my sight!”.
Almost in complete dispair, he went to the thirs guy and showed him a cover of a porn-magazine. There was silent.
“Way to go, son, you are the only man here worth to be call a monk”, the head of the monastery said, while putting his hand on him.
“Gling Gling”, went the bell.